Walderslade, Kent

293 job offers

Search results

ETE Supervisor

Chatham, Kent

Are you an ETE/ETM Supervisor with experience working on Network Rail Electrification projects? Salary: £40,000 - £45,000 Location: Chatham (Sout...

Maintenance Supervisor

Aylesford, Kent

Maintenance Supervisor Location: Aylesford, Kent Salary: Circa £50k per annum + call out payments Job Type: Full-time, Permanent About Our Clien...

Secondary School Teachers

Chatham, Kent

Job Title: KS3 & KS4 General Cover Supervisor Location: Chatham, Kent Contract: Full Time, Long Term Start Date: ASAP We are seeking a dedicat...

Home Delivery Driver

Aylesford, Kent

Job Description: Love food and life on the road? Then you'll have a great time behind the wheel as one of our Online Drivers, delivering our groceri...

Van Driver (Multi Drop)

Aylesford, Kent

Job Description Are you looking to increase your earnings in time for Christmas? Are you an experienced Multi Stop Courier Driver? As a (3.5t) M...

Weekend Courier Driver

Aylesford, Kent

Job Description Are you looking to increase your earnings in time for Christmas? Are you an experienced Multi Stop Courier Driver? As a (3.5t) M...

Customer Service Advisor

Aylesford, Kent

This isn't your ordinary Customer Service Advisor role. Are you someone who is passionate about how we care for the most vulnerable people in societ...

Section Leader

Chatham, Kent

Job Title Section Leader Location Gillingham Pier Employment Type Part time Contract Type Permanent Shift Pattern Work Shift: Days Hours per...

Senior Engineer/Sub agent

Burham, Kent

We are looking to strengthen our Construction team with a Senior Engineer/Sub agent, Site based at Burham. You will report directly to the Programme...

Online Trading Manager

Chatham, Kent

Job Title Online Trading Manager Location Gillingham Pier Employment Type Full time Contract Type Permanent Shift Pattern Work Shift: Days H...

Delivery Driver

New Hythe, Kent

Job Overview As a Delivery Driver for LKQ Euro Car Parts you will be responsible for maintaining our high standards, working as a member of a highly...

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