job offers Manston, Kent

388 job offers

Search results

Teaching Assistant

Broadstairs, Kent

Job Title: Primary Teaching Assistant (KS2) Location: Broadstairs, Kent Employment Type: Full-Time, Permanent Start Date: September 2024 Job Desc...

Sales Executive

Broadstairs, Kent

About The Role Job: Sales Executive Salary: £25,380 per year (OTE £32,400) Bonus: Fantastic monthly bonus and annual bonus based on company pe...

Practice Nurse

Margate, Kent

Bethesda Medical Centre, Cliftonville Bethesda Medical Centre is looking for a Practice Nurse to join our friendly team of 12 GPs, 3 Nurses, 2 Nursi...

Qualified Cat Sitter Wanted

Ramsgate, Kent

, we have an old cat, about 17, who needs feeding twice a day. She also needs to be given a dose of liquid medicine, through a syringe (not a needle) ...

Teaching Assistant

Broadstairs, Kent

Job Title: Primary Teaching Assistant (KS2) Location: Broadstairs, Kent Employment Type: Full-Time, Permanent Start Date: September 2024 Job Desc...

Art and Design Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Art and Design Teacher - Ramsgate Job Title: Art and Design Teacher Key Stage: 3 & 4 (KS5 possible) Location: Ramsgate, Kent Salary: £31,650 ...

Physics teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Physics Teacher Location: Margate, Kent About the Role: Teaching Personnel is excited to be recruiting for a passionate and dynamic Ph...

History Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

History Teacher - Ramsgate Job Title: History Teacher Location: Ramsgate Start Date: October 2024 Salary: £30,000 - £49,084 per annum (in line ...

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