job offers Westgate on Sea, Kent

215 job offers

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Food & Beverage Host

Thanet, Kent

Company Description Grosvenor is the leading Casino operator in the UK and our venues offer the very best quality gaming and leisure experience in a...

Food & Beverage Host

Thanet, Kent

Company Description Grosvenor is the leading Casino operator in the UK and our venues offer the very best quality gaming and leisure experience in a...

Store Manager Designate

Margate, Kent

Store Manager Designate Location: Designate Role - willing to travel to a variety of stores Hours per Week: 39 hours Shift pattern: Full-time - fl...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Margate, Kent

SEN Teaching Assistant- Margate Job Title: SEN TA Location: Margate Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £100-£180 per day Full/Part Time: Full Time...

Sales Assistant

Margate, Kent

Job Description Sales Assistant - WHSmith - QE Margate Hospital Contract Type: Permanent Working hours: 16 As a Sales Assistant you'll provide...


Margate, Kent

Margate Handyperson Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep upda...


Margate, Kent

Margate Cleaner Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated:...


Margate, Kent

Margate carpentry Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep update...


Margate, Kent

Margate IPAF Operator Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep up...

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