job offers Ramsgate, Kent

219 job offers

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Social Worker

Ramsgate, Kent

If you want to make a difference to the lives of children & their families why not Join Kent County Council? They are looking for Social Workers to ...

Project Coordinator

Ramsgate, Kent

You are subscribed to our push notifications, but not currently for jobs like this. Would you like to receive notifications for jobs like this as wel...

Sales Colleague - Peak

Broadstairs, Kent

Role overview: Sales Colleague - Peak Broadstairs Currys, Thanet (L01610) Fixed Term Contract - Peak Part Time 8-15 hours per week, with flexi...

Respiratory Nurse

Ramsgate, Kent

Do you have a sound knowledge of respiratory conditions and how integrated working can be usedto support this client group?Are you passionate about em...

Sales Colleague - Peak

Broadstairs, Kent

Role overview: Sales Colleague - Peak Broadstairs Currys, Thanet (L01610) Fixed Term Contract - Peak Part Time 8-15 hours per week, with flexi...


Ramsgate, Kent

You love real cooking. We love real cooking. Customers love real cooking. It's a no-brainer so you wonder why so many other places don't do it. We do ...

Lead Electrician - Manston

Manston, Kent

Company Description Do you want to join a rapidly expanding, forward thinking and agile organisation that provides an opportunity to grow together? ...

Kitchen Assistant

Broadstairs, Kent

Welcome to Frankie & Benny's. We've been a much loved restaurant for over 25 years, proudly serving the best of Italian American cuisine since 1995. T...


Broadstairs, Kent

Welcome to Frankie & Benny's. We've been a much loved restaurant for over 25 years, proudly serving the best of Italian American cuisine since 1995. T...

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