job offers Margate, Kent

303 job offers

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Broadstairs, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer, who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We ...

Paediatric Nurse

Margate, Kent

Are you interested in a career in paediatric emergency nursing? If so there is a position here for you at East Kent. We are one of the largest acute T...

Dressings Nurse

Margate, Kent

Bethesda Medical Centre, Cliftonville Bethesda Medical Centre is looking for a Practice Nurse to join our friendly team of 12 GPs, 3 Nurses, 2 Nursi...

ECT Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Early Career Teacher (ECT) Location: Margate Kent Contract Type: Full-time, Permanent Start Date: ASAP Are you a passionate and motiva...

Rapid Transfer Administrator

Margate, Kent

The NHS is changing. More emphasis on community-based care means there's never been a better time to join us. We are looking for an enthusiastic and...

Discharge Lounge Coordinator

Margate, Kent

To provide a flexible resource to support senior ward and unit teams in the provision of services. Duties will include but are not limited to: Lia...

Kitchen & Bedroom Surveyor

Thanet, Kent

About The Role The basic salary for this role is £27,500 plus a quarterly bonus of up to £2,000, meaning you can earn up to £35,500 annually. M...

Early Help Worker - Units

Thanet, Kent

KCC Early Help Vision is that every child and young person, from 0 to 19 (25) years and their family, who needs early help services will receive them ...

Ward Clerk

Margate, Kent

To work as a team member within the work environment carrying out assigned tasks involving the indirect care of the patients, to ensure effective ma...

ECT Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Early Career Teacher (ECT) Location: Margate Kent Contract Type: Full-time, Permanent Start Date: ASAP Are you a passionate and motiva...

Ward Clerk

Margate, Kent

Ward Clerk position on an acute geriatric and palliative/ end of life ward at the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital in Margate, Kent. Main dut...


Canterbury - Margate, Kent

We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced and dedicated Mental Health Nurse to join our Acute Directorate with oversight for two wards in eas...

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