job offers Broadstairs, Kent

343 job offers

Search results

Art Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: Art Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Art Teacher (KS3 & 4) – Canterbury, Kent We are seeking a pass...


Broadstairs, Kent

Annual salary: up to £38,514.00 Repairs & Maintenance Supervisor Dover Full time - Permanent – 42.5 Hours per week 8am -5pm £38,514 per an...

Domestic Assistant

Margate, Kent

Are you currently looking for a role in East Kent? Randstad are the temporary workforce recruiter for 2Gether Support Solutions who serve the East Ke...


Ramsgate, Kent

Labourer Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated: -Add...

Sales Assistant

Margate, Kent

Job Description Sales Assistant - WHSmith - QE Margate Hospital Contract Type: Permanent Working hours: Wed 05:30-12 Wed 12-8 Fri 05:30-12 F...


Broadstairs, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer, who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We ...

Paediatric Nurse

Margate, Kent

Are you interested in a career in paediatric emergency nursing? If so there is a position here for you at East Kent. We are one of the largest acute T...

Dressings Nurse

Margate, Kent

Bethesda Medical Centre, Cliftonville Bethesda Medical Centre is looking for a Practice Nurse to join our friendly team of 12 GPs, 3 Nurses, 2 Nursi...

ECT Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Early Career Teacher (ECT) Location: Margate Kent Contract Type: Full-time, Permanent Start Date: ASAP Are you a passionate and motiva...

Rapid Transfer Administrator

Margate, Kent

The NHS is changing. More emphasis on community-based care means there's never been a better time to join us. We are looking for an enthusiastic and...

Discharge Lounge Coordinator

Margate, Kent

To provide a flexible resource to support senior ward and unit teams in the provision of services. Duties will include but are not limited to: Lia...

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