job offers Kemsley, Kent

258 job offers

Search results

Security Officer

Sittingbourne, Kent

TSS have an exciting new career opportunity, for security officers, to work within a Distribution Site in Sittingbourne. If you are in the security ...

Science Teacher

Sittingbourne, Kent

Teacher of Science – Sittingbourne – September Starter We are working with a comprehensive secondary school in Sittingbourne who seek a Teacher ...

People HR Specialist

Sittingbourne, Kent

About The Role Join our dynamic team at Morrisons Logistics site as a People Specialist, where expertise meets impact. As a People Specialist, you'l...

Commis Chef

Sittingbourne, Kent

Avery Healthcare is one of the largest providers of luxury elderly care homes in the UK, dedicated to creating meaningful lives together for their res...

Team Assistant

Sittingbourne, Kent

This role is a Fixed Term Contract until July 2025. To provide a full range of administrative and support services, ranging from moderate to complex...

Site Engineer

Sittingbourne, Kent

Site Engineer (Mechanical) Salary: £27,000 - £39,000 + Training + Overtime + External Courses + Specialist Tools + Company Benefits. Location: Sit...


Sittingbourne, Kent

Job title: Groundworker Start Date: As soon as possible - Looking to interview Randstad are currently seeking honest, reliable and hardworking ind...


Sittingbourne, Kent

You love real cooking. We love real cooking. Customers love real cooking. It's a no-brainer so you wonder why so many other places don't do it. We do ...

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