job offers Ramsgate, Kent

219 job offers

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Service Colleague

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title Service Colleague Location Ramsgate Employment Type Part time Contract Type Permanent Shift Pattern Work Shift: Days Hours per Wee...

MFL Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: MFL KS3 Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Salary: Competitive, dependent on experience Contract Type: Full-time, Permanent Start Dat...

Art Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: Art Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Art Teacher (KS3 & 4) – Canterbury, Kent We are seeking a pass...


Broadstairs, Kent

Annual salary: up to £38,514.00 Repairs & Maintenance Supervisor Dover Full time - Permanent – 42.5 Hours per week 8am -5pm £38,514 per an...


Ramsgate, Kent

Labourer Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated: -Add...


Broadstairs, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer, who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We ...

Kitchen & Bedroom Surveyor

Thanet, Kent

About The Role The basic salary for this role is £27,500 plus a quarterly bonus of up to £2,000, meaning you can earn up to £35,500 annually. M...

Early Help Worker - Units

Thanet, Kent

KCC Early Help Vision is that every child and young person, from 0 to 19 (25) years and their family, who needs early help services will receive them ...

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