job offers Queenborough, Kent

79 job offers

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Wellness Therapist

Swale, Kent

Guests who come to us have the unique experience of visiting and staying overnight in beautiful accommodations within a National Nature Reserve and im...

Cover Supervisor

Swale, Kent

Cover Supervisor - Swale, Kent Academics is a leading national academic jobs agency, specialising in the recruitment of permanent, long term and dai...

Teacher of Science

Sheerness, Kent

Please to view our Recruitment Brochure. Passionate about inspiring students in the world of science? Join us at Leigh Academy Minster as a Teacher ...

Teacher of Humanities

Sheerness, Kent

Please to view our Recruitment Brochure. We are now recruiting for a Teacher of Humanities to join our academy from January 2025. For the successful...

Primary Teacher

Swale, Kent

Job title: Primary Teacher Requirements: Qualified teacher status Location: Swale area Start date: September/flexible Pay rate: £130 per day ...

Level 3 Nursery Assistant

Swale, Kent

Nursery Assistant in Swale Job title: Nursery Assistant with level 3 CACHE Location: Swale area Salary: £15,600 - £24,000 pro rata, dependent ...

Level 5 Teaching Assistant

Swale, Kent

Level 5 Teaching Assistant Opportunity in Swale Position Details: Role: Higher Level Teaching Assistant Level 5 teaching assistant Location: Swal...


Queenborough, Kent

Who are we? Manheim Inspection Services are part of Cox Enterprises, a family run business with a 120 year history of innovation and embracing the n...

Cover Teacher

Swale, Kent

Job title: Cover Teacher Requirements: Qualified teacher status Location: Swale area Start date: September/flexible Pay rate: £130 per day ...

Nature Engagement Officer

Sheerness, Kent

Elmley National Nature Reserve - Nature Engagement Officer and Warden 1 day per week The part-time position of Engagement Officer and Warden requir...

Cover Teacher

Swale, Kent

Job title: Cover Teacher Requirements: Qualified teacher status Location: Swale area Start date: September/flexible Pay rate: £130 per day ...

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