job offers Hildenborough, Kent

182 job offers

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Tonbridge, Kent

Annual salary: up to £39,900.00 Electrician Sussex Full-Time – Permanent Role Salary up to £39,900 per annum, DOE We are now seeking an ...

Showroom Host

Tonbridge, Kent

OTE: GBP £22,000.00/Yr. Overview: Mercedes Benz of Tonbridge 27 Hours weekly £11.44 Per Hour At Lookers Mercedes Benz of Tonbridge we have a...

Showroom Host

Tonbridge, Kent

OTE GBP £22,000.00/Yr. Overview Mercedes Benz of Tonbridge 27 Hours weekly £11.44 Per Hour At Lookers Mercedes Benz of Tonbridge we have...

Multi Skilled Operative

Tonbridge, Kent

Annual salary: up to £34,587.00 Multi-Skilled Operative Covering Location: East Sussex Hastings-Brighton Full Time Permanent Salary £34,587 ...

Long Term Primary Teacher

Tonbridge, Kent

Long-Term Primary Teacher (KS1 & KS2) Location: West Sussex Hours: Full-time Salary: Competitive, based on experience Contract: Long-term cover ...

SEND Teaching Assistant

Tonbridge, Kent

SEND Teaching Assistant Location: West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey Salary: £80 - £95 per day Contract: Flexible, Ad-hoc Roles Are you passionat...

Primary Teacher

Tonbridge, Kent

Primary Teacher (Supply & Long-Term Roles) Location: West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey Salary: £120 - £160 per day Contract: Flexible, Supply & Lo...

Teaching Assistant

Tonbridge, Kent

Are you passionate about supporting students and helping them achieve their full potential? Leigh Academy Hugh Christie is looking for a dedicated Tea...

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