job offers Wouldham, Kent

477 job offers

Search results

Maths Teacher - Rochester

Rochester, Kent

Secondary Maths Teacher – Rochester Full Time, Long Term Required to Start from September 2024 Are you a passionate Maths Teacher looking for ...

Art Teacher - Chatham

Chatham, Kent

Art Teacher – Chatham Full Time, Long Term Required from Sep 2024 until July 2025 Position Summary: Supply Desk are thrilled to partner with...

5T Driver

Snodland, Kent

Are you looking for a new role, great company with lots of great benefits? Offering an excellent opportunity for the right candidate's with perm emp...

Cover Supervisors - Medway

Chatham, Kent

Experienced Cover Supervisors – Medway Secondary Schools Required to start ASAP Contracts – Full Time, Part Time, Long or Short Term Supply De...

English Teacher - Chatham

Chatham, Kent

KS3-5 English Teacher – Chatham Full Time Required to Start from September 2024 – July 2025 Job Overview: Supply Desk are supporting an Of...

SEND TA - Rochester

Rochester, Kent

SEND Teaching Assistant – Rochester Required: September 2024 – July 2025 Full Time Supply Desk is seeking a dedicated and compassionate SEND T...

Outreach Officer

Chatham, Kent

Do you have knowledge and experience working with homeless individuals and vulnerable adults? Do you hold a full UK driving license? Outreach Offi...

Educational Psychologist

Chatham, Kent

Are you a registered psychologist with the HCPC? Have you got recent experience working for local authority EP's and writing psychological advice fo...

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