job offers Walderslade, Kent

293 job offers

Search results

Lecturer Civil Engineering

Chatham, Kent

Unique opportunity for a Civil Engineer to teach at a prestigious training facility in Chatham, Kent. This is an extremely rewarding teaching enviro...

Medical Receptionist

Aylesford, Kent

We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and professional medical receptionist to join our existing team. Experience of working within a GP Surgery e...

English Teacher

Chatham, Kent

Job Title: English Teacher Location: Chatham, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term English Teacher (KS3 & 4) – Chatham, Kent Are you passionat...

Pharmacy Assistant

Aylesford, Kent

Join Our Team: Seeking a Dedicated Pharmacy Assistant at Paydens! Are you enthusiastic about making a difference in people's health and well-being t...

5t Driver

Aylesford, Kent

Job Description £12.88 per hour (£26,790 per year) Shift detail: Monday - Friday with 1 in 4 Saturdays plus over time 40hrs per week Aylesfo...

Executive Assistant

Chatham, Kent

If you have experience providing administrative and executive support and are looking for an exciting new opportunity to work in a team aiming to impr...

Warehouse Operative

Aylesford, Kent

Apply today to work as a Warehouse Operative for our client's UK supply chain and logistics experts, who pride themselves on many years of experience ...

Service Colleague - Nights

Chatham, Kent

Job Title Service Colleague - Nights Location Chatham Employment Type Part time Contract Type Fixed Term (Fixed Term) Shift Pattern Work Shift...

Decon Operative

Aylesford, Kent

Join our team and make a difference to the lives of our service users. As a Decon Operative, you'll play a vital role in ensuring the smooth and eff...

Executive Assistant

Chatham, Kent

Employer: Medway Council Salary: £29,793 - £35,410 per annum Location: Works part from home and part from Gun Wharf, Chatham Contract: Permane...

Sales Executive

Aylesford, Kent

About The Role Job: Sales Executive Salary: £25,380 per year (OTE £32,400) Bonus: Fantastic monthly bonus and annual bonus based on company pe...


Chatham, Kent

Are you looking for a rewarding career where you can really make a difference? Are you looking to use your skill set in a rewarding work environment w...

5t Van Driver

Aylesford, Kent

Job Description £12.867per hour (£26,353 per year) Shift detail: Monday - Friday working 05:00 - 13:30 with 1 in 4 Saturdays plus over time 40...

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