job offers Longfield Hill, Kent

37 job offers

Search results

Nursery Practitioner

New Barn, Kent

This small friendly and family feel nursery based in Gravesend is seeking a Nursery Practitioner to join the 33 place setting. You will need: A NVQ ...


Longfield, Kent

Practitioner (Level 3) needed in DA3 (Longfield) - 40 hours per week - (5 Days - 8 Hour Shifts or 4 Days 10 Hour Shifts With Same day off each week) ...

Paraplanner (CII Level 4)

Longfield, Kent

Paraplanner (CII Level 4) £35,000 – £40,000 + Pay and Role Progression + Qualification Support and Training + Private Medical Insurance + Sabbat...

Chair of Governors

Longfield, Kent

We are seeking a dedicated individual to guide our esteemed educational institutions with expertise! We're in search of a capable individual to undert...

Meter Reader

Longfield, Kent

2024-08-14 Full Time Temporary We are hiring WATER METER READERS in your postcode now! Full-Time - Working close to home, no experience is req...

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