job offers Hawkinge, Kent

165 job offers

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Folkestone, Kent

We have an exciting opportunity We are seeking a Receptionist to work in our friendly, busy General Practice Team, to assist with the navigation for...

Registered Manager

Folkestone, Kent

Your title: Registered Manager Where you will be based: Folkestone, Kent The Service Users: YPs age 7 to 17, Therapeutic Based Care of Children wi...

Retail Assistant

Folkestone, Kent

Overview: You’ll be at the core of Screwfix, making sure our customers are the heart of everything we do. You’ll take your time to really get to...

Security Officer

Folkestone, Kent

About the role Title – Security Officer Pay Rate – £12.25 PH Location – CT20 2HJ Shift Timings – 4 on 4 off days and nights You wil...

Podiatrist - Community

Elham, Kent

Sanctuary Personnel, a dedicated and award-winning recruitment agency with a TrustPilot score of 4.9/5 and nearly 1000 reviews is currently looking fo...

Bank Support Worker

Capel le Ferne, Kent

Overview: Job Title: Support Worker - Bank Location: Capel Le Ferne - Kent East Salary: £11.44 per hour Hours: Bank Please note: we are unabl...

Retail Assistant

Folkestone, Kent

You’ll be at the core of Screwfix, making sure our customers are the heart of everything we do. You’ll take your time to really get to know them w...

Care Professional GA

Folkestone, Kent

Home Instead is the world's leading provider of non-medical care and companionship services for older people. With minimum visits of one hour, award w...

Retail Assistant

Folkestone, Kent

Job Description Location: Primark Folkestone Salary: £12 per hour Employment type: Permanent Job type: Weekend Contracted hours: 8 per week Sh...

FLT Flexi Driver

Folkestone, Kent

Flexi Truck & Counter-Balance Forklift Operator Location: Folkestone Working Hours: Monday to Friday, rotational shift pattern 06:00-14:00, 08:00-...

Daily Supply Teacher

Folkestone, Kent

Job Title: Daily Supply Teacher Location: Folkestone Area Start Date: September/Flexible Pay Rate: £130 per day Requirements: Qualified Teacher S...

Care Assistant

Folkestone, Kent

Company Description Pay Rate: £12 per hour (weekdays) £12.50 per hour (weekends) plus 28p mileage What we offer as a Care Assistant: We’re c...

MOT Tester Contractor

Folkestone, Kent

Skills and experience to carry out all aspects of MOT testing, covering both cars and light commercials 5 years' workshop experience in a similar rol...

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