job offers Gravesham, Kent

250 job offers

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Security Officer

Gravesend, Kent

About the role Title – Security Officer Pay Rate – £12.25 PH Location – DA12 1EG Shift Timings – 4 on 4 off days and nights You wil...

Store Assistant

Gravesend, Kent

You'll be the face of Toolstation, making a fantastic first impression, building long-lasting relationships and going above and beyond to make our cus...

Security Officer

Gravesend, Kent

About the role Title – Security Officer Pay Rate – £12.25 PH Location – DA12 2SX Shift Timings – 4 on 4 off days and nights You wil...

Retail security officer

Northfleet, Kent

About the role Title – Retail security officer Pay Rate – £ 13.00 PH Location - Thames Way Shift Timings – 4 ON 4 OFF You will be wor...

Bank Support Worker

Gravesend, Kent

Bank Support Worker Help transform lives by joining our team TODAY! We are looking for Support Workers with the passion to work with our fantastic...

Customer Sales Advisor

Gravesend, Kent

Age 21+ £11.44 per hour Under 21 £8.60 per hour Got a knack with customers? Ideally, you already have Retail sales experience but if you've wo...

Store Assistant

Gravesend, Kent

What you'll do Store Assistant in Gravesend 20 hours per week You'll be the face of Toolstation, making a fantastic first impression, building l...

SEND Learning Support

Longfield, Kent

Are you passionate about supporting children with SEND needs in an inclusive educational environment? We are currently seeking a dedicated and compass...

Assistant Manager

Shorne, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

Food Production Operative

Shorne, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

Bar Staff

Gravesend, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...


Gravesend, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We are...

Retail Assistant

Gravesend, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer, who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We ...

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