job offers Wouldham, Kent

477 job offers

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Compliance Manager

Aylesford, Kent

Compliance Manager: A New and Exciting Role in Engineering & Manufacturing We are seeking a dedicated Compliance Manager to ensure our company's ope...

Area Sales Manager

Aylesford, Kent

We're not your average tool hire company. We're innovative and pioneering - revolutionising the industry through the very latest in technology so that...

Cleaning Operative

Aylesford, Kent

Excellerate Group is a dynamic, technology led market leader for the provision of soft services across the UK and Ireland. We are an industry disrup...

Teacher of Geography

Rochester, Kent

Strood Academy has an exciting opportunity for a talented and creative Teacher of Geography to join our department from January 2025 or earlier if pos...

Teacher of Science

Rochester, Kent

Strood Academy is seeking to appoint a creative, analytical and methodical Teacher of Science to join the department from January 2025, or earlier if ...

Teaching Assistant

Rochester, Kent

Strood Academy are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic Teaching Assistant who will assist in the support and inclusion of SEN and EAL pupils within the...

Cleaning Operative (PSS)

Chatham, Kent

Premium Support Services are part of the Excellerate Group who are dynamic, technology led market leader for the provision of soft services across the...

Teacher of History

Rochester, Kent

Strood Academy has a fantastic opportunity for a Teacher of History to join us as soon as possible, and be part of our highly successful academy. We a...

Theatre Practitioner

Chatham, Kent

Job Description: Spire Alexandra Hospital are looking to recruit experienced and committed Theatre staff /ODP's to join our friendly operating theat...

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