job offers Manston, Kent

388 job offers

Search results

PE Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

PE Teacher - Ramsgate Job Title: PE Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Start Date: September 2024 Salary: £30,000 - £46,525 per annum (in line wi...

PE Teacher

Margate, Kent

PE Teacher Job Title: PE Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Full-Time, Long Term Start: September 2024 Our school is a vibrant and in...

Music Teacher

Margate, Kent

Music Teacher Job Title: Music Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Start: September 2024 Music Teacher (KS3) – Margate, Kent Are you ready to ...

ICT Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: ICT Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term English Teacher (KS3) – Margate, Kent Are you passionate about ...

Secondary School Teachers

Margate, Kent

Secondary School Teacher Job Title: Secondary School Teacher (KS3 & KS4) Location: Thanet, Kent, UK Contract: Fulltime, Long-term Start: Septe...

SEN Teacher

Margate, Kent

SEN Teacher - Margate Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Margate Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £30,000- £46,525 (in line with your current pay s...

Media Studies Teacher

Thanet, Kent

Media Studies Teacher - Thanet Job Title: Media Studies Teacher Location: Thanet, Kent Start Date: September 2024 Salary: £30,000 - £46,525 per...

Maths Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Maths Teacher Job Title: Maths Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Maths Teacher (KS3) – Ramsgate Are you a ded...

Science Teacher

Margate, Kent

Science Teacher - Margate Job Title: Science Teacher Location: Margate Start Date: September 2024 Salary: £30,000 to £ 46,525 (In line with you...

Special Needs Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: SEN Primary Teacher (Must have SEN Experience) Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Full time, Long term Start Date: September 2024 E...

SEN Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £30,000- £46,525 (in line with your curre...

Humanities Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: Humanities Teacher KS3/KS4 Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Full-Time, Long Term Start: September 2024 We are seeking an enthusia...

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