job offers Swale, Kent

48 job offers

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Queenborough, Kent

Job Title: Labourer Location: Queenborough We are seeking a reliable and diligent labourer to join our client's team in Queenborough, Kent. The id...

Sports Coach - Primary

Swale, Kent

Job title: Sports Coach Requirements: Sports related degree / Level 3 + Physical Education in Primary schools / Qualified teacher Location: Swale ...

Primary Teacher - Supply

Swale, Kent

Job title: Primary Teacher Requirements: Qualified teacher status Location: Swale area Start date: September/flexible Pay rate: £130 per day ...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Swale, Kent

Teaching Assistant SEN in Swale Job title: Teaching Assistant SEN Location: Swale Salary: £23,114 - £25,979 dependent on experience or £90 a da...

Wellness Therapist

Swale, Kent

Guests who come to us have the unique experience of visiting and staying overnight in beautiful accommodations within a National Nature Reserve and im...

Cover Supervisor

Swale, Kent

Cover Supervisor - Swale, Kent Academics is a leading national academic jobs agency, specialising in the recruitment of permanent, long term and dai...

Primary Teacher

Swale, Kent

Job title: Primary Teacher Requirements: Qualified teacher status Location: Swale area Start date: September/flexible Pay rate: £130 per day ...

Level 3 Nursery Assistant

Swale, Kent

Nursery Assistant in Swale Job title: Nursery Assistant with level 3 CACHE Location: Swale area Salary: £15,600 - £24,000 pro rata, dependent ...

Level 5 Teaching Assistant

Swale, Kent

Level 5 Teaching Assistant Opportunity in Swale Position Details: Role: Higher Level Teaching Assistant Level 5 teaching assistant Location: Swal...


Queenborough, Kent

Who are we? Manheim Inspection Services are part of Cox Enterprises, a family run business with a 120 year history of innovation and embracing the n...

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