job offers Queenborough, Kent

79 job offers

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Band 5 Ward Nurse

Sheerness, Kent

Were looking for enthusiastic and passionate Band 5Nurses tojoin our friendly and welcoming Wardteam based on Harty Ward at Sheppey CommunityHospital,...

Band 5 Community Nurse

Sheerness, Kent

Are you a motivated and caring Registered Nurse based in the Kent area and passionate about the rehabilitation of the patients in your care? We have a...

Home Delivery Driver

Queenborough, Kent

Our Home Delivery Drivers are ambassadors for our business. In this role you'll be delivering shopping to customers doors, providing exceptional level...

Senior Supervisor

Queenborough, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We are...

Retail Assistant

Queenborough, Kent

At Iceland we like to do things differently. We are a fair and ethical retailer, who believe in investing in our people and making a difference. We ...

Supply Teachers – Swale

Swale, Kent

Supply Teachers Required – Primary & Secondary – Swale Flexible, Adaptable Roles in a Range of Schools At Supply Desk, we specialise in providi...

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