job offers Hartley, Kent

39 job offers

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Part Time Chef

Longfield Hill, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...


Longfield Hill, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

Teaching Assistant

Longfield, Kent

Hartley Primary Academy is a two form entry school with 14 classes in total. Our school has beautiful, extensive grounds and a range of teaching and l...

SEN Teacher

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...

Lunchtime Supervisor

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...

French Teacher

Meopham, Kent

French Teacher Location: Gravesham, Kent Salary Scale: £120 - £250 per day Start Date: January 2025 Contract Type: Long-term, Full-time Are yo...

Lunchtime Supervisor

Longfield, Kent

Hartley Primary Academy is looking to appoint a Lunchtime Supervisor who will join us as soon as possible. The successful candidate will work with our...

Teacher of Business Studies

Longfield, Kent

Are you passionate about shaping the business minds of the future? Longfield Academy is looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated Teacher of Business ...

Teaching Assistant

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...

Teaching Assistant

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...

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