job offers Gravesham, Kent

250 job offers

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Gravesend, Kent

Summary £12.40 - £12.60 per hour | 15 hour contract | 08:00 - 11:00 or 09:00 - 12:00 Monday to Friday | 30-35 days holiday (pro rata) | 10% in-sto...

Design Technology Teacher

Northfleet, Kent

Design Technology Teacher - Gravesend, Kent Academics is a leading national academic jobs agency, specialising in the recruitment of permanent, long...

Head Chef

Shorne, Kent

As Head Chef at The Copperfield, you'll lead the way in creating a kitchen to be proud of. You’ll be inspiring your team, instilling the passion tha...

Head Waiter/Waitress

Gravesend, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

Housekeeper & Server

Gravesend, Kent

Who are we? FirstPort is the UK's leading property management company, caring for our customers' homes across England, Wales and Scotland. With over...

Area Security Officer

Gravesend, Kent

Position: Area Security Officer Location: Gravesend and surrounding areas Pay Rate: £11.44 per hour Hours: Average 42.5 hours per week Shifts: Da...

Chemistry Teacher

Northfleet, Kent

Are you a Chemistry Teacher looking for an exciting new role at an excellent Grammar School in January 2025? Tradewind Recruitment is looking for a ...

Early Years Practitioner

Longfield, Kent

Nursery: Bright Horizons Longfield Day Nursery and Preschool Salary: £24,270 - £30,000 per annum PRO RATA (dependant on qualification/s and experi...

Design Technology Teacher

Gravesend, Kent

Design and Technology Teacher- Gravesend - £160 to £220 a Day November 4th start Temporary to Permanent *** Design and Technology Teacher- Gravese...

General Assistant

Gravesend, Kent

Job Overview As a Retail Operative your role is vital to the ongoing success of the branch. Whether it be picking the right part first time in our W...

Supply Teacher

Northfleet, Kent

General Supply Teacher - Gravesend, Kent Academics is a leading national academic jobs agency, specialising in the recruitment of permanent, long te...

Part Time Chef

Gravesend, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

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