job offers Birchington-on-Sea, Kent

53 job offers

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Early Help Worker - Units

Thanet, Kent

KCC Early Help Vision is that every child and young person, from 0 to 19 (25) years and their family, who needs early help services will receive them ...


Thanet, Kent

Learning Support Assistant - SEMH - Thanet Tradewind are recruiting! Are you an organised Learning Support Assistant looking for your next role in T...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Thanet, Kent

Are you an experienced Teaching Assistant and looking for an exciting new role in the Thanet area? Do you have experience working with children with s...

ASD Teaching Assistant

Thanet, Kent

Learning Support Assistant - Thanet Full-time - Monday to Friday £83.33 per day Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of ch...

Year 5 Teacher

Thanet, Kent

Are you a passionate and dedicated educator seeking an exciting opportunity to inspire young minds? We are working on behalf of a friendly and inclusi...

Lead Electrician - Manston

Manston, Kent

Company Description Do you want to join a rapidly expanding, forward thinking and agile organisation that provides an opportunity to grow together? ...

Food & Beverage Host

Thanet, Kent

Company Description Grosvenor is the leading Casino operator in the UK and our venues offer the very best quality gaming and leisure experience in a...

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