job offers Walderslade, Kent

293 job offers

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Outreach Officer

Chatham, Kent

Do you have knowledge and experience working with homeless individuals and vulnerable adults? Do you hold a full UK driving license? Outreach Offi...

Educational Psychologist

Chatham, Kent

Are you a registered psychologist with the HCPC? Have you got recent experience working for local authority EP's and writing psychological advice fo...

Mobile Electrical Engineer

Aylesford, Kent

WELCOME TO LINAKER For 30 years Linaker has specialised in the creation and maintenance of tailor-made business environments. Having shaped workspac...

Retail Sales Designer

Aylesford, Kent

About The Role You’ll be responsible for meeting and greeting our customers, producing inspirational kitchen and bedroom designs and managing the ...

Children's Registered Manager

Chatham, Kent

Sanctuary Personnel, an innovative and committed recruitment agency has a new permanent position available for a Registered Children’s Manager to wo...

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