job offers Broadstairs, Kent

343 job offers

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Assistant Store Manager

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Assistant Store Manager Location: Margate Salary: £35,625 to £43,440 per annum Role: Permanent – Full-Time Join ALDI, and work for...

IT Support

Ramsgate, Kent

Have you 3-5 years' experience in a similar role? Do you hold 6 industry-leading and up-to-date technical accreditations? IT Support Location - ...

Assistant Store Manager

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Assistant Store Manager Location: Margate Salary: £35,000 to £44,000 per annum Role: Permanent – Full-Time This is a fantastic opp...

Teacher of Drama

Margate, Kent

Teacher of Drama - Margate Job Title: Teacher of Drama Location: Margate Start Date: September 2024 Salary: £31,650 to £49,084 (In line with y...

Veterinary Surgeon

Margate, Kent

About Us PDSA is a special organisation that provides expert veterinary care for people across the UK who otherwise would not be able to afford to t...

Quality Operator

Broadstairs, Kent

We require a driven, conscientious and articulate individual to join our client’s team in Broadstairs, Kent, inspecting and assembling their product...

Veterinary Surgeon

Margate, Kent

About Us PDSA is a special organisation that provides expert veterinary care for people across the UK who otherwise would not be able to afford to t...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teaching Assistant- Broadstairs Job Title: SEN TA Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £90-£180 per day Full/Part Time: Fu...

SEN Teacher

Margate, Kent

SEN Teacher - Margate Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Margate Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £30,000- £46,525 (in line with your current pay s...

Skilled Labourer (£100)

Broadstairs, Kent

Job Brief: Working for our contruction company with a reputation for delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget. We pride ourselves o...

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