job offers Cliftonville, Kent

293 job offers

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Customer Support Executive

Margate, Kent

Do you have experience working in a Customer Support role? Do you have strong administrative skills? Customer Support Executive Location: Margat...


Broadstairs, Kent

SEN TA (AUTISM)- Broadstairs Job Title: SEN TA (AUTISM) Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £87-£110 per week Full/Part Time:...

SEN Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £30,000- £46,525 (in line with your curre...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teaching Assistant- Broadstairs Job Title: SEN TA Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £87-£110 per day Full/Part Time: Fu...


Broadstairs, Kent

Have you worked as a Chef for more than 3 years? Are you looking to start work immediately? Chef Temporary Thanet Salary competitive Respo...

Care Professional

Thanet, Kent

Are you passionate about making a meaningful difference in people's lives? Join Home Instead, the UK's leading care provider, and become part of our e...

Chemistry Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

Secondary Chemistry Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: Chemistry Teacher Key Stage: 3 & 4 (KS5 possible) Location: Broadstairs, Kent Salary: £30,...

Teaching Assistant

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Primary Teaching Assistant Location: Margate, Kent Start: September 2024 Contract: Long-Term, Contract Are you passionate about ins...

Music Teacher

Margate, Kent

Music Teacher Job Title: Music Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Start: September 2024 Music Teacher (KS3) – Margate, Kent Are you ready to ...

SEN Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: SEN Primary Class Teacher (SEN Experience) Location: Ramsgate, Kent Contract: Full time, Long term Start Date: September 2024 SEN T...

SEN Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £30,000- £46,525 (in line with your curre...

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