job offers Broadstairs, Kent

343 job offers

Search results

Maths Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

Job Title: Maths Teacher Location: Broadstairs, Kent Salary: Competitive, based on experience Contract Type: Full-time, Permanent Start Date: Sept...

Female Support Worker

Margate, Kent

Avenues is a community where people smile, laugh, grow and achieve great things. We know that well-supported people support people well to do their ...

Kitchen Sales Designer

Ramsgate, Kent

With more than 100 years' experience behind us, joining Magnet means joining one of the UK's biggest and best known kitchen brands and is part of the ...

Merchandiser AMIS48

Ramsgate, Kent

Are you looking for a part time role to boost your income? Are you available every Thursday on an ongoing basis? CPM are looking for team members who ...

Maths Teacher

Margate, Kent

Maths Teacher - Margate Job Title: Maths Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Start Date: September 2024 Salary: £30,000 - £46,525 per annum (in lin...

Mechanical Fitter

Ramsgate, Kent

Do you have a background in mechanical and/or hydraulic engineering? Do you have excellent attention to detail couple with a high level of literacy ...

Care Assistant

Margate, Kent

Are you passionate about making a meaningful difference in people's lives? Join Home Instead, the UK's leading care provider, and become part of our e...

Care Professional

Broadstairs, Kent

Are you passionate about making a meaningful difference in people's lives? Join Home Instead, the UK's leading care provider, and become part of our e...


Broadstairs, Kent

SEN TA Broadstairs Job Title: SEN TA Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £87-£110 per week Full/Part Time: Full Time (Part ti...

SEN Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: SEN Teacher Location: Broadstairs Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £31,650- £49,084 (linked to your current ...

Cover Supervisor

Margate, Kent

Cover Supervisor - Margate Job Title: Cover Supervisor Location: Margate, Kent Start Date: September 2024 Pay: Up to £200 a day depending on exp...

Team Leader

Broadstairs, Kent

From designers straight off the runway to statement jewellery, we have an ever-changing product range that means the whole store experience is less ab...

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