job offers East Anglia - West Thurrock, Essex

1.155 job offers

Search results

Waiter / Waitress

West Thurrock, Essex

We don't need an introduction. You've heard of us before. Legendary Red and white stripes. Clutter filling our restaurants to the brim. A history dati...


Greenhithe, Kent

From morning coffee to cocktails at dinner, a Bill’s Barista needs the same key ingredients: charisma, confidence and a cool head. You’ll look a...

Internal Host - Night

Greenhithe, Kent

Job Title: Internal Host - Nights Rate of Pay: £12.00 per hour Contract: Permanent Type of Employment: Part Time Hours: 40 hours per week Locati...

Refuse Loader

Northfleet, Kent

Our client based in Northfleet is looking for experienced Refuse Loaders to join their waste and recycling team on ongoing basis. Applicants must demo...

Waiter / Waitress

Grays, Essex

We don't need an introduction. You've heard of us before. Legendary Red and white stripes. Clutter filling our restaurants to the brim. A history dati...

HVAC Engineer

Dartford, Kent

HVAC Engineer required in the Kent area for our client, a leading HVAC company that has 6 regional offices and has been expanding since it formed over...


Grays, Essex

We don't need an introduction. You've heard of us before. Legendary Red and white stripes. Clutter filling our restaurants to the brim. A history dati...


Dartford, Kent

Reporting Group: Leisure - Operations image placeholder We are Places for People Group, we're a social enterprise that believes it's people that...

LGV Driver

Dartford, Kent

Company Description Contract: Permanent / 40 hours Hourly Rate: £16.76 + £2.52 Night Rate between 18:00 - 06:00 Location: DPD Dartford - Unit 2...

Duty Manager

Dartford, Kent

Reporting Group: Leisure - Operations image placeholder We are Places for People Group, we're a social enterprise that believes it's people that...

Assistant Manager

Greenhithe, Kent

Want to be the difference in someone’s day? As an Assistant Manager at Bill’s you can really make your mark. From small groups to large birthday...

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