job offers Manston, Kent

388 job offers

Search results

Secondary Teachers Required

Ramsgate, Kent

Location: Ramsgate, Kent Salary: £120 – £210 per day (dependent on experience) Job Type: Full-time / Part-time (Temporary with potential for per...

Store Manager Designate

Margate, Kent

Store Manager Designate Location: Designate Role - willing to travel to a variety of stores Hours per Week: 39 hours Shift pattern: Full-time - fl...

SEN Maths Teacher

Broadstairs, Kent

SEN Maths Teacher - Broadstairs Job Title: SEN Maths Teacher Location: Broadstairs Start Date: ASAP/following notice period Salary: £31,650- £...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Margate, Kent

SEN Teaching Assistant- Margate Job Title: SEN TA Location: Margate Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £100-£180 per day Full/Part Time: Full Time...

Secondary Teachers Required

Ramsgate, Kent

Location: Ramsgate, Kent Salary: £120 - £210 per day (dependent on experience) Job Type: Full-time / Part-time (Temporary with potential for perma...

Sales Assistant

Margate, Kent

Job Description Sales Assistant - WHSmith - QE Margate Hospital Contract Type: Permanent Working hours: 16 As a Sales Assistant you'll provide...

Geography Teacher

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: Geography Teacher Location: Ramsgate, Kent Start: ASAP Contract: Long-Term, Contract Are you passionate about igniting curiosity in...


Margate, Kent

Margate Handyperson Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep upda...


Margate, Kent

Margate Cleaner Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated:...


Margate, Kent

Margate carpentry Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep update...


Margate, Kent

Margate IPAF Operator Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep up...

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