job offers Thanet, Kent

314 job offers

Search results

Religious Studies Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Titles: Religious Studies Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Start: September 2024 We are seeking a passionate and dedi...

Shop Manager

Margate, Kent

About the role Join us as a Shop Manager and you'll lead and motivate your team to deliver fast and friendly service to our customers. We serve ou...

Web Developer Apprentice

Manston, Kent

Purpose of Job: As an Apprentice Web Developer, you will have the opportunity to learn and gain hands-on experience in web development under the gui...

Shop Supervisor

Margate, Kent

About the role Join us as a Supervisor and you'll be part of a team that loves putting customers first. As part of the management team, you'll be ...


Margate, Kent

Telehandler's Needed! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated: -A...

Geography Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Geography Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Start: September 2024 Are you passionate about shaping youn...

Religious Studies Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Titles: Religious Studies Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Start: September 2024 We are seeking a passionate and dedi...

Geography Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Geography Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term Start: September 2024 Are you passionate about shaping youn...

ICT Teacher

Margate, Kent

Job Title: ICT Teacher Location: Margate, Kent Contract: Fulltime, Long Term English Teacher (KS3) – Margate, Kent Are you passionate about ...

Teaching Assistant

Margate, Kent

Job Title: Primary Teaching Assistant (KS2) Location: Margate, Kent Employment Type: Full-Time, Permanent Start Date: September 2024 Job Descript...

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