job offers Wouldham, Kent

477 job offers

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Snodland, Kent

Buyer - £34K - Snodland (Office-Based) Are you an experienced motivated and organised individual eager to advance your career in procurement? We ...

Head Chef

Aylesford, Kent

Company Description As a Kitchen Manager, you'll make sure everything in the kitchen runs smoothly during a busy service. You'll know how to get the...

Welder Fabricator Trainer

Chatham, Kent

A great opportunity for an enthusiastic Welder Fabricator to become a Trainer and join a collaborative and dynamic team delivering Welding and Fabrica...

Trainee Test Technician

Rochester, Kent

Job title: Trainee Test Technician Location: Rochester, Kent Salary: £24,773 - Salary increases to £30,226 after successful completion of traini...

Supervisor Hempstead Valley

Chatham, Kent

Established in 1981 with a single store in the Northwest of England, the JD Group is a leading omni-channel retailer of Sports Fashion, Outdoors and G...

Registered General Nurse

Chatham, Kent

Job Reference: 36026 Registered General Nurse – Nursing Home Position: Staff Nurse – RGN Location: Chatham – Must be living in UK Salary...

French Teacher - Rochester

Rochester, Kent

MFL Teacher (French Specialist) – Full-Time, Flexible Supply Contract – Rochester Start Date: ASAP Supply Desk are seeking a passionate and eng...

Mechanical Project Engineer

Burham, Kent

Due to continued growth, the position of Mechanical Project Engineer has become available to join our successful team based in Burham, Kent. CMDP is...

Sales Enablement Manager

Chatham, Kent

Job Description: Who we are Build a brighter future while learning and growing with a Siemens company at the intersection of technology, community...

Senior Practitioner

Chatham, Kent

Employer: Medway Council Salary: Up to £54,695 (inclusive of market allowance) + annual retention payment Location: Chatham, Kent Contract: Per...

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