job offers Thanet, Kent

314 job offers

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Ramsgate, Kent

You love real cooking. We love real cooking. Customers love real cooking. It's a no-brainer so you wonder why so many other places don't do it. We do ...

Anaesthetics Administrator

Margate, Kent

The post holder is responsible for providing a full administrative service for the Anaesthetic Leads, other Consultant anaesthetists and team members,...

Lead Electrician - Manston

Manston, Kent

Company Description Do you want to join a rapidly expanding, forward thinking and agile organisation that provides an opportunity to grow together? ...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Margate, Kent

SEN Teaching Assistant- Margate Job Title: SEN TA Location: Margate Start Date: Sept 2024 Salary: £100-£130 per day Full/Part Time: Full Time...

Primary Teaching Assistant

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: PrimaryTeaching Assistant Location: Ramsgate, Kent Employment Type: Full-Time, Permanent Start Date: ASAP Job Description: We are se...

Female Support Worker

Margate, Kent

Avenues is a community where people smile, laugh, grow and achieve great things. We know that well-supported people support people well to do their ...

Health and Safety Manager

Ramsgate, Kent

Health and Safety Manager job available from Senex Recruitment in , Near Ramsgate, Kent. Are you passionate about creating safe work environments an...

Care Assistant

Ramsgate, Kent

Company Description Pay Rate: £12 per hour (weekdays) £12.50 per hour (weekends) plus 28p mileage What we offer as a Care Assistant: We’re c...

Primary Teaching Assistant

Ramsgate, Kent

Job Title: PrimaryTeaching Assistant Location: Ramsgate, Kent Employment Type: Full-Time, Permanent Start Date: ASAP Job Description: We are se...

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