job offers Cliftonville, Kent

293 job offers

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Female Support Worker

Margate, Kent

Avenues is a community where people smile, laugh, grow and achieve great things. We know that well-supported people support people well to do their ...

Crisis Recovery Worker

Margate, Kent

Job Description Job Description Crisis Recovery Support Worker In this role you will participate in the day to day implementation of individual s...

Activities Co-coordinator

Margate, Kent

Are you looking for a meaningful career where you'll be able to make a real difference to people's lives every single day? Do you have the following...

Cover Supervisor

Margate, Kent

Cover Supervisor - Margate Job Title: Cover Supervisor Location: Margate Start Date: ASAP and ongoing Salary: £100 to £130.00 per day (In line...

Customer Sales Supervisor

Margate, Kent

Joining the Travis Perkins family as a Customer Sales Supervisor, you will need to be able to lead and inspire a team, build loyalty, whilst being on ...


Margate, Kent

Telehandler Jobs here! Looking to register and update all details to make finding you a job as easy as possible. What we like to keep updated: -...


Margate, Kent

Receptionist/Telephonist Main Responsibilities: Welcome and provide assistance to patients entering or telephoning the Practice. Be responsible for ...

History Teacher

Margate, Kent

History Teacher- Kent - £150 to £210 a Day - ASAP start Temporary *** History Teacher- Kent *** History Teacher- Temporary *** History Teacher...

Food & Beverage Host

Thanet, Kent

Company Description Grosvenor is the leading Casino operator in the UK and our venues offer the very best quality gaming and leisure experience in a...

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