job offers Sutton, Kent

36 job offers

Search results

Home Delivery Driver

Deal, Kent

Our Home Delivery Drivers are ambassadors for our business. In this role you'll be delivering shopping to customers doors, providing exceptional level...

SEN Maths Teacher

Deal, Kent

As a Maths Teacher you will: Be an outstanding classroom practitioner Have the energy, passion and drive to raise standards and 'bring about the bes...

SEN Teaching Assistant

Deal, Kent

The role involves: Assisting students in their educational and social development. Provide support inside and outside of the classroom, so they can...

Process Operator

Tilmanstone, Kent

Company: Alpheus ( Tilmanstone) Position: Process Operator Location: Tilmanstone Salary: Circa £36,000 per annum Join the Pioneers of Water E...

Maths Teacher

Deal, Kent

Are you an experienced Maths Teacher and looking for an exciting new role in the Deal area? Do you want a new challenge role that will be rewarding an...

Community Wound Care Nurse

Deal, Kent

The NHS is changing. More emphasis on community-based care means there's never been a better time to join us. We believe in treating the whole perso...

Support Worker

Walmer, Kent

Support Worker - Deal - £11.47ph Typical Shifts are: Long Day - 08:00 - 21:30, Early Shift: 07:45 - 14:45, Late Shift 14:30 - 21:30 Join Voyage C...

Support Worker

Deal, Kent

Support Worker - Deal - £11.47 ph Typical Shifts are: Weekdays and Weekends, Shifts dependent on rota (Sleep in's required for this service minimum...

Maths Teacher

Deal, Kent

Are you an experienced Maths Teacher and looking for an exciting new role in the Deal area? Do you want a new challenge role that will be rewarding an...

Physics teacher

Deal, Kent

Job Title: Physics Teacher Location: Deal, Kent About the Role: Teaching Personnel is excited to be recruiting for a passionate and dynamic Physi...

Support Worker - Meadowside

Walmer, Kent

Meadowside in Deal provides overnight residential stays for people with a learning, physical disabilities and/or autism. We are seeking 3 part time ...

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