job offers Longfield Hill, Kent

37 job offers

Search results

SEN Teaching Assistant

Longfield, Kent

Job Description Exciting Opportunity for Experienced SEN Teaching Assistant in Sevenoaks - Immediate Start! Are you a dedicated SEN Teaching Assis...

Facilities Assistant

Longfield, Kent

Please click here to view our Recruitment Brochure. Leigh Academy Hartley has a fantastic opportunity for a committed and motivated Facilities Assis...

Admissions Officer

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...

Early Years Practitioner

Longfield, Kent

Nursery: Bright Horizons Longfield Day Nursery and Preschool Salary: £24,270 - £30,000 per annum PRO RATA (dependant on qualification/s and experi...

SEND Learning Support

Longfield, Kent

Are you passionate about supporting children with SEND needs in an inclusive educational environment? We are currently seeking a dedicated and compass...

Teacher of Geography

Longfield, Kent

Longfield Academy is seeking to appoint a Teacher of Geography, joining us from November 2024. This is a truly fantastic opportunity for a passionat...

Project Administrator

Hartley, Kent

We are currently recruiting for a confident Administrator to work for a lovely Southampton based company. Although the company has a number of offices...

Chemistry Teacher

Gravesham, Kent

We are seeking a dynamic and passionate Secondary School Chemistry Teacher in the Gravesend area. The successful candidate will inspire students to ex...

Sous Chef

Longfield Hill, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

Part Time Chef

Longfield Hill, Kent

No CV to hand? No problem! We've made our application process mobile friendly and removed the need for a CV. Our form takes 2 minutes to complete and ...

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