job offers Harrietsham, Kent

22 job offers

Search results

Customer Service Assistant

Lenham, Kent

We’re looking for a Customer Service Assistant who can make a real difference in their local community Putting U in Southern Co-op Southern Co-o...

Workshop Manager

Lenham, Kent

AVK powers tomorrow’s data. Our Control Services division specialises in delivering turnkey solutions for electrical control systems, including cont...

Store Manager - Convenience

Lenham, Kent

About The Role As a Store Manager, your role as 'shopkeeper' means you run your own store with an entrepreneurial spirit, with your customers, colle...

Plumber (Wet-room)

Leeds, Kent

Location: Leeds, Kent, England Salary: £34k - 38k per year + Van, fuel card Category Sector: Contract type Contract Consultant: Bruno Bagi ...


Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff are proud to be representing their client, a leading Manufacturing Company in their search for an Administrator work in their offices in...

Vehicle Sales Manager

Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff are proud to be representing their client, a leading vehicle leasing company in their search for a an experienced Vehicle Sales Manager ...

Air Conditioning Engineer

Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff is proud to be representing their client, a well-known Engineering Company in their search for an Air Conditioning Engineer to work on c...

Recruitment Consultants

Leeds, Kent

Location: Leeds, Kent, England Salary: £25k - 35k per year + Commission, pension, Category Sector: Contract type Permanent Consultant: Jon Sh...

Quality Administrator

Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff are proud to be representing their client, a leading Manufacturing Company in their search for a Quality Administrator work in their off...

HR Administrator

Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff are proud to be representing their client, a leasing company in their search for a an experienced HR Administrator to work from their ve...

Health & Safety Manager

Leeds, Kent

Recruit4staff is proud to be representing their client, a leading Manufacturer in their search for a Health & Safety Manager in their workshop based i...

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