job offers Gravesham, Kent

250 job offers

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Admissions Officer

New Ash Green, Kent

The many benefits of joining Leigh Academy Milestone include: - free 24/7 access to a GP - extensive CPD to support you in your career journey - acces...


Gravesend, Kent

Job Description Administrator Up to £25,000 depending upon experience Gravesend Full Time, Permanent Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Do yo...

Duty Manager

Gravesend, Kent

We're currently recruiting in our Gravesend Central Premier Inn Working 24 or 32 hours per week, paying up to £12.59 per hour. Duty Manager – Gra...

PBS Manager

Gravesend, Kent

PBS Manager Posted on 2nd October 2024 Gravesend £45,000 per annum PBS Manager – Supported Living Services for Individuals with Complex Learn...

Children's outreach worker

Gravesend, Kent

Do you have a passion for helping children and young people reach their full potential? Are you a compassionate, proactive individual with the ability...

Substance Misuse Nurse

Gravesend, Kent

Sanctuary Personnel, a dedicated and award-winning recruitment agency with a TrustPilot score of 4.9/5 and nearly 1000 reviews is currently looking fo...

Repairs Planner

Gravesend, Kent

Looking to recruit a Repairs Planner to join a leading Property Maintenance company based in Dartford on a permanent basis Responsibilities: Liais...

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